Enter ‘A Room of Therapy’ and enter into bliss

About ‘A Room of Therapy’

Everyone needs some ‘Me’ time in their lives. A time to unwind and release the tension and worries of everyday life. However, ‘Me’ time is not something we often afford ourselves and our bodies end up taking the strain with illness and ailments occurring as a result.

Our bodies become physically exhausted and drained with the stresses and pressures of daily schedules. When this happens, we tend to sacrifice sleep, our eating habits change and we end up eating the wrong types of food out of convenience.

With this fast-paced existence surrounding us, our minds become clogged with thoughts effecting our work, family and friends or the next big decision to make. When our bodies and minds are not functioning at an optimum level, our ability to process is diminished and judgements become unclear. In turn, this can slowly develop and manifest itself as Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Muscle Fatigue etc.

When you enter ‘A Room of Therapy’, I am giving you that ‘Me’ time you deserve. Yes, deserve! Everyone deserves and needs a break away from the hustle and bustle to just … be. A time to gather your thoughts and re-focus on what is important. In a calm and warm setting, I can help you achieve this through peace and relaxation.

Listen to your body. Listen to your mind. Just like a car we all need maintenance from time to time to help us function properly. Here is the chance to get your physical and mental health back on the road. Enter ‘A Room of Therapy’ and enter into bliss.

Reflex Mug


Whether you are curious about treatments
or would like to book an appointment,
I am here to assist you.

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